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Simple Tricks to Make Flossing Fun For Children

As adults, we realize the need of flossing our teeth on a regular basis in addition to cleaning them. This is also critical for our children’s future. Instilling the habit of flossing in young children is just as important as training them to clean their teeth because brushing alone will not remove plaque and the dangerous bacteria that live inside. Regular flossing, on the other hand, removes plaque and food particles that become trapped between the teeth and can lead to periodontal disease, poor breath, and dental cavities. Developing a flossing practice early on can set them up for improved dental health in the future, which can result in significant financial savings, the avoidance of tooth discomfort, and the development of other oral health concerns. How do you persuade your child to floss when they would rather be doing anything else? Here are some suggestions to help your child realize that flossing can be fun!

Teach your child the significance of flossing

Brushing your teeth correctly and consistently helps to remove the bulk of dental plaque. Brushing alone, however, is inefficient at eliminating plaque that has become stuck in places that a toothbrush cannot reach. This covers the gaps between teeth as well as the area beneath the gums. Flossing is useful in this situation. Flossing eliminates food material that has been lodged between teeth. This material serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and leads to plaque development. Make sure your youngster understands the consequences of not flossing, which include the following:

  1. Bad Breath (Halitosis)
  2. Excessive Plaque and Cavities
  3. Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease

Discuss the significance of flossing in preventing these dental issues with your kid. If plaque is not removed, it damages not just the teeth but also the gum tissue, which can lead to significant issues later on. Brushing and flossing twice daily is the most effective way to avoid gum disease, according to the American Academy of Periodontology (which focuses on gum health), yet only around 15% of Americans floss consistently. It is past time to change such numbers by getting kids started on the right track.

Flossing is just as essential as brushing, according to the majority of dentists. It is, however, a more challenging habit to develop, in part because parents typically have a negative perception of flossing. Your child’s teeth, like yours, should be cleaned and flossed on a regular basis. An excellent oral hygiene program can not only help keep your child’s teeth healthy and cavity-free, but it can also help maintain healthy gums. Teach your child how to properly care for his or her teeth in order to avoid cavities and toothaches. Flossing is actually quite enjoyable once you’ve acquired the habit, and it’s critical to convey this to your children.

You may also suggest that the dentist teach your child on the significance of flossing at one of your child’s routine dental visits. Pediatric dentists are competent at conveying difficult topics to children and are likely to do a better job than parents.

These Tips Can Make Flossing Fun For Kids

Flossing isn’t always pleasurable, but it doesn’t have to be regarded as a duty! Making flossing fun for your child can help them acquire the habit. You can help your child develop great oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime if you have patience, time, and dedication. The following are some ideas and suggestions for convincing your child to floss on a regular basis:

  • Floss with your child or as a family

You can’t expect your child to develop good dental hygiene if they don’t understand what it entails. Floss with your child if you want them to grasp the importance of flossing. Brushing and flossing twice daily should become a family ritual because it is always more enjoyable and motivating to complete difficult tasks with another person. This will also guarantee that you stick to your unique flossing practice.


  • Make Flossing a Game to Improve Understanding

Create a simple game or exercise that combines fun with an understanding of the advantages of flossing to spark your child’s interest in flossing. Making tedious activities into a game, whether your children compete against one another, a parent, or even the clock, makes them less unpleasant. Maintain a score and award points to two siblings or a parent and kid, or include a nice song or story in each flossing session. Whatever you do to make this time more pleasurable, don’t forget to praise your child for a job well done with a special bedtime story. Allow an older child to watch an episode of their favorite television show before turning down the lights. If they persist in refusing to floss their teeth, explain that the more time they spend arguing about it, the less time they will have to watch TV. Make a chart in which you give your child a star for every time they floss. The bigger the prize, the more stickers they gather. As the stars collect, increase the value of the goodies. Simply be sure to change the prizes from time to time to keep your youngster interested in the available incentives.


  • Create a Flossing Chart

Making an interactive flossing chart and placing it near the bathroom sink is one of the most innovative and entertaining ways to urge your child to floss every day. Flossing will be more pleasurable as a result of being able to:

  1. To keep track of their progress, use funny stickers or brightly colored markers.
  2. Make a special family tradition that your children will remember for years to come.
  3. Make non-monetary incentives available for attaining a certain objective.


  • Allow Your Child to Pick the Flossing Tool

Traditional dental floss with string may be difficult for your youngster to use. They might not appreciate winding the thread over their fingers or squeezing the floss between their teeth. Allowing children to select their own child-friendly floss sticks or water flosser is a simple solution to this problem. Floss sticks come in a variety of bright colors, tastes, and forms, and kids could even find their favorite superhero or cartoon figure among the brands sold in the store. A water flosser may be more efficient if you want to save waste and avoid using disposable floss completely. They have been around for a long time and are frequently viewed as a more convenient and pleasurable flossing procedure than older approaches. Your youngster may also customize it with stickers and decorations.


  • Suggest Daily or Nightly Inspections for their ‘Big-Kid Teeth’

The process of shedding baby teeth and acquiring ‘big-kid teeth’ is thrilling for a youngster. Not only does the tooth fairy make a visit, but seeing those fresh sparkling whites come out of thin air might look miraculous to a youngster. Encourage your children to floss their big-kid tooth sites every night in order to make room for strong permanent teeth to emerge. Convert their own mouth into a discovery zone to match the local museum’s dinosaur bone dig exhibit!

When Flossing Becomes an Issue

It’s typical for your child’s gums to bleed when he or she first begins flossing between his or her teeth. It is typically not a problem as long as the bleeding stops promptly. Some children may have a sensitive mouth or an overactive gag reflex, making flossing uncomfortable. To help alleviate this problem, explain to your child that it is OK for them to take pauses when flossing if they get angry or scared. Allowing them to take a few deep breaths can help to reduce their stress levels. If your kid has autism or a hyperactive condition, they are more likely to have oral health problems, such as difficulties flossing. You might seek the assistance of a pediatric dentist who specializes in treating kids with unique needs.


July 21st, 2023|

When Children Starts to Loose Their Baby Teeth

Average Age for Primary Tooth to Fall Out

The “normal” age at which children begin to lose their teeth varies greatly. Around the age of six, a child’s primary teeth (baby teeth) begin to weaken and fall out to make room for permanent teeth. However, every kid is different, and some children may lose their first tooth as young as four, while others may lose it as late as seven. Children often continue to lose their baby teeth until they are 12 years old. Baby teeth ultimately fall out in order to create room for permanent teeth. In most cases, there are 32 permanent teeth.

The lateral incisors, first molars, canines, and second molars usually fall out first, followed by the two bottom front teeth (lower central incisors) and two top front teeth (upper central incisors). Simply said, teeth frequently fall out in the order in which they came. This is the typical sequence in which teeth are lost, however, it can vary. Each child’s teeth fall out in a distinct pattern and at a different stage of development.

Baby teeth usually stay in their sockets until they are pushed out by permanent teeth. Typically, this is a simple, natural operation. If a kid loses a baby tooth too soon as a result of dental decay or an accident, the empty space may be replaced by a permanent tooth. Crowding of permanent teeth might ensue, leading them to come in crookedly. If you have any concerns, please contact your pediatric dentist.

Guideline for Losing Primary Teeth

Primary teeth emerge when the infant is still in the womb. The baby’s jaws produce the first main tooth buds about 5 weeks of gestation. The crowns of an infant’s twenty “baby” or primary teeth are virtually complete at birth and are concealed within the newborn’s jawbones. The first teeth begin to appear about 6 months of age. The bottom central incisors (the two bottom front teeth) are usually the first to appear (erupt). The upper four front teeth will thereafter emerge. Then, over time, more teeth appear, generally in pairs – one on each side of the upper or lower jaw – until all twenty teeth (10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw) have erupted by the time the child is two to three years old. The child’s jaws continue to grow as they prepare for the emergence of permanent (adult) teeth around the age of six. Primary teeth begin to fall out between the ages of 6 and 7. This procedure continues until the child reaches the age of 12. While each child’s tooth eruption timing differs, the order in which teeth grow is more consistent. All 32 permanent teeth should have emerged by the age of 21.

Your child’s tooth is loose – what’s next?

Allowing a loose tooth to come off spontaneously is the best course of action. It can be wiggled but should not be pulled on too soon as this maychil cause the root to break, increasing the risk of infection, bleeding, and bacteria pooling. If your child’s baby tooth is loose, they can gently wiggle it. Even if the movement is small, wiggling the teeth on a daily basis allows your child to evaluate the amount of looseness and helps avoid surprises.

When it comes to wiggling, it’s not only the back and forth action that’ll get the teeth out of the gums. Twisting the teeth clockwise and then counter-clockwise is another great movement that encourages a quicker tooth fall out. When the baby tooth is totally loose and ready to fall out, the following tips will help you prepare for the big event:

  • Place an ice cube along the gums for a few minutes before wriggling it out. This will help to numb the gums and make your child more comfortable throughout the operation.
  • Using a clean tissue or napkin, pat dry the teeth. Wet teeth are incredibly slick, but dry teeth are easier to grab.
  • Twist the teeth for 5-10 seconds in one direction and hold. Then, in the other direction, twist and hold. Keeping the tooth in the twisting position stretches the gum fibers, making it easier to pull the tooth from the gums.

Explain to your kid that when the tooth is extracted, there may be some tingling and bleeding (this may vary depending on the child), but that everything will be OK and the pain and blood will go away quickly. Remind your kid to rinse his or her mouth with warm saltwater. This will relieve any discomfort and help to stop the bleeding. Place a moist cloth on the new gap between their teeth until the bleeding stops. If the discomfort persists, an oral analgesic, an over-the-counter anesthetic, may be administered. Consult your pediatric dentist if the pain and bleeding last longer than an hour. There is no need to be alarmed if your kid accidentally eats a baby tooth. Baby teeth are relatively little and will readily reappear.

Take note: While your child’s tooth is loose, encourage him or her to brush, floss, and eat on a regular basis. If kids complain of pain, Ibuprofen before bedtime is an excellent medicine. While it is always important to seek the advice of a dental expert when it comes to your kid’s dental care, the fact is that you do not need to call a dentist unless your child is experiencing a serious tooth condition. Simply keep seeing your child’s pediatric dentist for periodic exams and oral hygiene sessions to monitor their growth and dental health. You should, however, take your child to the dentist if he or she displays any of the following symptoms:

  • The baby tooth was previously loose but has subsequently regained its firmness.
  • You can already see the permanent tooth erupting, but the baby tooth has not yet become loose.
  • Pain that is worse than typical during the eruption process
  • Before the age of five, teeth grow loose.
  • Brushing and eating become more challenging.
  • Excess plaque accumulates around the tooth, resulting in red, inflamed gums

When your child is slow to lose their first tooth

There is frequently a large age range at which youngsters naturally and properly lose their baby teeth. The majority of parents are concerned about their children’s delayed tooth loss between the ages of 8 and 10. While there may be nothing wrong in these cases, an orthodontist should be visited and an X-ray should be done to evaluate the situation. Parents should not be concerned about delayed tooth loss unless the following conditions are met:

  • Crowding occurs because there is inadequate room for permanent teeth. They may be unable to retrieve the baby teeth that are below.
  • Permanent teeth are not present at birth. A baby tooth does not usually break loose until the permanent tooth underneath it pushes it upward to take its place. As a result, if a child is missing certain permanent teeth, the process will be slowed in some parts of the mouth.
  • When additional teeth form, they might hinder the normal eruption of adult teeth. Your orthodontist can assess if your child has a real issue or is just developing slowly.

Early tooth loss – should you be concerned?

One of the most common questions parents have for their pediatric dentist is if their child’s baby teeth are coming out too rapidly or too slowly. Children lose their baby teeth at different ages, and there is a wide range of what is considered healthy. Baby teeth seldom come out too soon. A child’s first baby tooth is usually lost at the age of six, and the process is completed around the age of twelve. While this timeline is susceptible to change, if your kid loses their first tooth before the age of three or four, you should be concerned. They usually fall out owing to tooth decay or being knocked out. If your kid loses a tooth before the age of six, you should consult a pediatric dentist to rule out any underlying problems or concealed trauma.

When baby teeth are lost too soon, the neighboring teeth might move out of place. This is because the baby teeth act as guides, aiding the permanent teeth in properly emerging. This can influence not just the eruption of the permanent tooth, but also the emergence of neighboring teeth, resulting in significant alignment difficulties. Interceptive orthodontic therapy may be required depending on your child’s age and the location of the prematurely lost tooth or teeth.

Read more at Taft Hill Orthodonitcs


October 19th, 2021|

What are TADS?

Temporary anchorage devices, or TADS, are put in place by your orthodontist to anchor mini implants and other appliances. TAD orthodontics are used in certain cases to move teeth into a straighter position when braces alone are not enough to do the job, leading to a much more efficient orthodontic treatment. The titanium, screw-like device can be combined with braces, or it can be used as a possible alternative to headgear for some patients. TADs help the orthodontist to apply just the right amount of pressure in the right direction to move teeth into the desired position.

How TADS Work

A TAD is used in situations where a solid anchor is required to achieve proper teeth movement and can also be used for patients who are missing permanent teeth. TADS are anchored to the jawbone and usually remain in place until removed by the orthodontist. Before surgery, you’ll meet with a maxillofacial surgeon, who will work in tandem with your orthodontist to achieve the best possible result. The surgery is performed in the oral surgeon’s office using a general anesthetic. Any post-operative discomfort can be handled with an over the counter pain medication, and patients can resume normal activities the same day.

Why Taft Hill Orthodontics?

The team at Taft Hill Orthodontics is friendly and helpful, and we’d love to help you smile! We offer affordable pricing and will happily work with you and your budget. Dr. T.C. Hardy is an orthodontist in Fort Collins, CO that specializes in both traditional and ceramic braces, along with offering his patients advanced alternatives to traditional orthodontics. Board Certified by the American Board of Orthodontics, Dr. Hardy is the recipient of The Everett Shapiro Award in Orthodontics, as well as the Dr. Harold Berk Endowed Prize Fund for Excellence in Research. Dr. Hardy is an active member of several industry organizations, has published and presented his research both nationally and internationally, and is very involved in his local community.

If you don’t currently have an orthodontist and are searching for an experienced, caring team to help you perfect your smile, give our office a call at (970) 344-4295 or complete a free online consultation from the convenience of your own home.

July 29th, 2019|

Benefits of Invisalign

When it comes to straightening teeth, there are far more options than there used to be. One method you may have heard of is Invisalign. How exactly does this work, and what can it do for you? Here’s what you need to know.

Interested in getting started with Invisalign from our Fort Collins office today? Contact us now!

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Benefits of Invisalign

Instead of traditional braces that are firmly affixed to your teeth until treatment is finished, Invisalign consists of clear, almost undetectable aligners that are customized to fit over your teeth. Because they are so unobtrusive in appearance, they are an aesthetically pleasing choice for braces. Most people will never even notice that you’re wearing them.

These clear braces are easy to take off when you eat, so you don’t have to give up foods to prevent damage to your braces. You also remove them to floss and brush your teeth, which makes it easier to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Although they are gentle as they move teeth into place, you’ll see results faster. They also require fewer trips to the orthodontist, making it more simple to fit treatment into your busy schedule.

Invisalign Works for Every Age

Although adults appreciate this discrete method for straightening their teeth, Invisalign works well for any age. Younger patients often struggle more with keeping their teeth clean with traditional braces, so that can be an important benefit for them.

However, Invisalign is more expensive than other forms of braces, so parents are more likely to opt for traditional braces for their kids. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what will work best for your family and your budget.

Choose Dr. TC Hardy as Your Fort Collins Orthodontist

Dr. TC Hardy is a skilled, experienced orthodontist working in the Fort Collins area. He and his friendly staff provide patients the most advanced and effective orthodontic care in a fun, encouraging atmosphere. They are happy to work with any budget to provide the best, most affordable options to help you love your smile.

For more information, schedule an appointment for a complimentary consultation today.

June 24th, 2019|

Summer is the Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment for Children!

Summer is here, and with it comes the freedom to complete tasks you’ve been putting off. Is scheduling an appointment for your children’s orthodontic treatment one of those tasks? Summer is the time when children are out of school, and your days may be a little more flexible. It is also a good time to start a project like correcting dental problems with braces, as the kids have time away from school to get used to wearing them and learn how to incorporate the changes they bring.

Contact Taft Hill Orthodontics in Fort Collins to schedule an appointment today!

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What Are Your Kid’s Option for Braces?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment such as braces, there are several options – you can go for traditional braces, Invisalign, or lingual (“hidden”) braces. You will need to discuss the various options and their applications with your orthodontist to determine which course of treatment best fits your budget, dental needs, and lifestyle.

Here are some things to consider when deciding which type of braces is best for you or your children:

Traditional braces are worn on the outside of the teeth and usually represent the best cost savings. The upside to traditional braces is that the orthodontist has easy access to apply the brackets and wires and make any changes or adjustments necessary. The downside is that they are very visible, which may cause some people to become self-conscious about their smile while they are wearing the braces.

Invisalign braces use a different method to move the teeth. With this form of correction, the patient wears a clear plastic form over the teeth that is much less detectable than traditional braces because it is transparent. This is a more costly form of dental problem correction and carries with it the responsibility to keep track of the appliance(s) if they should be removed for any reason, such as when eating, to brush the teeth, or at other times.

Lingual braces are also known as “hidden braces” as they are applied on the inside of the teeth and are therefore less visible when talking, smiling, or eating. The upside is that this form of braces causes less self-consciousness in some people because it is less detectable. The downside is that adjustments are more difficult for the orthodontist, and these braces can cause the tongue to become irritated during the initial adjustment period, or after adjustments are made.

 Stop Searching for Kids Braces Near You, and Contact Us Today!

If you’re interested in braces of any type this summer, ask your orthodontist which type of braces are right for you. If you don’t currently have an orthodontist and are searching for an experienced, caring team to help you perfect your smile, give our Fort Collins office a call at (970) 344-4295 and make an appointment with us today. The team at Taft Hill Orthodontics in would love to make you smile! To save time and money, you can also fill out our free online consultation form, and a team will get back with you on recommendations and next steps.

June 3rd, 2019|

What Are Lingual Braces?

Advances in dental technology through the years have made many dental procedures faster, less invasive, and more comfortable for the dental patient. One such advance in the world of dental appliances allows patients the opportunity to wear braces that are, for all intents and purposes, virtually invisible. Traditional braces are applied using standard brackets and wires applied to the outside (front side) of the teeth. Lingual braces, however, are applied to the inside (back side) of the teeth, making them almost impossible to detect. These hidden braces or “inside braces” were first introduced back in the 1970s and have undergone several design modifications and improvements throughout the ensuing decades that have made these braces behind the teeth more comfortable, practical, and effective in correcting teeth and bite problems. Compared to the early designs, current “inside braces” are highly advanced. While hidden braces are focused on improving the aesthetics, traditional braces are sometimes seen as a more affordable braces option.

How are lingual braces different from traditional braces?

In addition to being tucked away on the back side of the teeth and thereby almost totally hidden from view, lingual braces are applied to the patient’s teeth using a different technique than traditional braces. Whereas “regular” braces are applied to the teeth one bracket at a time using stock metal brackets, the brackets that hold hidden braces in place are custom fit to the inside of each tooth and are all cemented in place at the same time. A custom-fit tooth tray holds the brackets in place until the cement attaching them to each tooth has set, then the tray is removed. Once the brackets are cemented in place, wires and elastics are applied and adjusted by the orthodontist in essentially the same manner as with traditional braces. If you are

Are braces behind the teeth as effective as wearing regular braces?

Traditional braces generally tend to take one to two years to achieve the desired results. The length of time required for lingual braces to achieve similar results is virtually the same as traditional braces in most cases. These hidden braces can be more effective than “invisible” clear plastic forms that fit over the teeth to correct problems and misalignments, as patient compliance is not as much of a factor.

Can anyone wear hidden braces?

These non-traditional braces are best worn by teenagers and adults who have all their adult teeth. As long as each tooth is large enough to provide the orthodontist sufficient room to glue the individual brackets on the inside of the teeth, these braces can be worn by almost anyone. If there is a deep overbite, however, braces behind the teeth may not be a viable option due to the risk of the bite exerting too much pressure on the brackets and causing them to become detached from the teeth too easily.

If you are still asking yourself “what are lingual braces?” then give Taft Hill Orthodontics in Fort Collins a call at (970)344-4295 or fill out the form below to schedule a consultation.

April 23rd, 2019|

What is a good age for a child to get braces?

When people think about the age limit for braces and when they should start investing in their child’s first set, they often picture a young teen. However, once a child’s permanent teeth start coming in, around age 7 or 8, an appointment with an orthodontist is an excellent idea. While that may seem young, early orthodontic treatment is good for growing children in many ways.

Our Fort Collins office offers various options for braces aside from the traditional metal such as our hidden braces, and we do this for all ages including adults. If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, contact us today at

Make Plans

If your child does need braces, getting a treatment plan in place early makes the process easier. It helps kids know what they can expect, and for parents, knowing the steps prepares them to work with the orthodontist. When treatment starts at the best time for the child, the process is simpler and more effective.

Prevent Complications

With early awareness of issues, your orthodontist can take preventative measures. When permanent teeth are crowded as they come in, it causes extra problems. Not enough space can damage teeth or their roots. Sometimes, because of these complications, adult teeth even must be pulled. Early orthodontic care reduces this risk. It is always easier to prevent problems than to fix them. That’s why the braces age limit is earlier than you think!

Monitor Development

Orthodontists care for more than just the teeth. The bones of the face and jaw are also important for a healthy bite. Expert attention to the growth and development of the entire structure is vital. An orthodontist can spot a need for early intervention, preventing more issues down the road.

Establish A Comfortable Relationship

Getting to know their orthodontist early helps reduce kids’ fears over time. If your child needs braces, it eases tension to spend some time with a friendly orthodontist before treatment begins. Braces don’t need to be scary.

If you’re thinking it might be time for braces for your children, contact us at (970) 344-4295 to set up an appointment. Dr. T.C. Hardy and the expert team at Taft Orthodontics in Fort Collins are ready to give your child the best experience and a beautiful smile.

April 8th, 2019|

Welcome to the 7 & Up Kids Club

Orthodontists are commonly known for treating pre-teens and teenagers. However, the American Association of Orthodontics recommends that all children seven and up get evaluated for orthodontic treatment.

This may surprise many parents who think that seven is too young to start thinking about orthodontic treatment. Parents may also think that they have to wait for their children to lose all their baby teeth to seek orthodontic treatment. This is not true. 

There are many reasons for you to have your child examined by and an orthodontist, like Dr. Hardy, before they enter their pre-teen years. Children seven and up can see major benefits from getting evaluated when younger.

 Dr. Hardy in Fort Collins can detect subtle problems with your child’s jaw growth and emerging teeth, even with some baby teeth still present. In some cases Dr. Hardy may recommend early treatment for your child. This may make treatment later less complicated and time consuming.

Other benefits of having children seven and up examined for orthodontic treatment include correcting harmful dental habits, reducing  the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth and improving the way the lips meet. This all leads to happy and healthy teeth!

Having children seven and up be evaluated by an orthodontist gives your child the best opportunity for a bright and healthy smile later in life.

We here at Taft Hill Orthodontics in Fort Collins will be raising awareness for the 7 & Up Kids Club now through April. During your next appointment guess how many bubbles are in our seven and up bottle located at our front desk. Guess the correct amount of bubbles and get a chance to win a hoverboard!

Contact us at (970) 344-4295 to schedule your next appointment so that you have a chance to guess and win!

Dr. Hardy and all of us here at Taft Hill Orthodontics are looking forward to seeing you!

February 25th, 2019|

How to keep teeth clean while in Braces!


Everyone knows Oral hygiene is important but keeping good oral hygiene while in braces can be quite difficult. The biggest struggle is plaque! Plaque is caused by the sugars in food-producing acids which can discolor teeth and make gums irritable. When gums are irritated they swell and if bad enough can start to grow over the braces which can cause moderate pain. Keeping plaque under control will help make the process of braces much easier and maintainable.


miami-orthodontist-decalcification-with-bracesBrushing and flossing regularly is key to keeping a nice healthy smile! I am sure growing up you have been told always brush your teeth twice a day. With braces, It is highly recommended to brush after eating a meal. While in braces food can get stuck in the wires and brackets without your knowledge of knowing it. Foods that are left sitting in the braces that are acidic or full of sugar can result in decay (cavities).


We know flossing is difficult enough but flossing while in braces can be even harder! Luckily there are many alternatives to flossing while in braces. Hand held flossers also known as platypus flossers are specifically designed to fit under your wire for easy access. The water Pik is a major flossing technique while in braces and is more effective than floss itself. The great thing about a water Pik is even when your braces are removed it is still a better more effective way of flossing that generic string.showimage





Small things to keep in mind to help take care of your braces if you are away from home:

Cary around a travel size tooth brush or micro brush

Use water like it is mouth wash. Swish around in your mouth and spit. You will most likely see what you had for breakfast, lunch of dinner come out! Eww!

If you know you wont be able to brush for a long amount of time, Decrease your sugar, sweets and soda intake. Though

a small and sometimes hard thing to do, your teeth with thank you!!20043-group

March 16th, 2017|


What is AcceleDent?

AcceleDent Aura is an FDA-cleared medical device designed for faster orthodontic treatment. It is used for 20 minutes daily at home during orthodontic treatment. And yes it works with both traditional and clear aligner braces!

  • It’s fast! Clinically proven to move teeth up to 50% faster. Who can say no to that?
    • Micropulses from the device are used to gently accelerate the movement of your teeth. Part of how orthodontics works is by remodeling the bone surrounding your teeth. With AcceleDent this remodeling process is sped up by the vibrations  (micropulses).
  • It’s Safe! FDA approved and only sold by your Orthodontist.
    • Thousands of patients world wide have been prescribed an AcceleDent device
  • It’s not painful! AcceleDent patients have reported reduced soreness especially right after adjustments. It helps your orthodontic treatment go smoother than normal.
  • Safe acceleration of the bone remodeling process complements conventional orthodontic treatment.
  • Clinically proven to move teeth up to 50% faster.

The best part… It only has 3 pieces! the Activator, the mouth piece and the charging unit. It’s very small and portable! Did we mention it only takes 20 minutes a day? Patients have reported using it in the car as they drive to or home from work, while watching TV, doing homework, cooking, cleaning and so much more!  It does not take any time “away” from your daily lives.

activator-only     mouthpiece-only





There is so much more to be learned about this product! Follow the link below for further details, videos and statistics.

Watch AcceleDent in action Use & Care Videos.

December 30th, 2016|

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