Summer is the Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment for Children!
Summer is here, and with it comes the freedom to complete tasks you’ve been putting off. Is scheduling an appointment for your children’s orthodontic treatment one of those tasks? Summer is the time when children are out of school, and your days may be a little more flexible. It is also a good time to start a project like correcting dental problems with braces, as the kids have time away from school to get used to wearing them and learn how to incorporate the changes they bring.
Contact Taft Hill Orthodontics in Fort Collins to schedule an appointment today!
What Are Your Kid’s Option for Braces?
When it comes to orthodontic treatment such as braces, there are several options – you can go for traditional braces, Invisalign, or lingual (“hidden”) braces. You will need to discuss the various options and their applications with your orthodontist to determine which course of treatment best fits your budget, dental needs, and lifestyle.
Here are some things to consider when deciding which type of braces is best for you or your children:
Traditional braces are worn on the outside of the teeth and usually represent the best cost savings. The upside to traditional braces is that the orthodontist has easy access to apply the brackets and wires and make any changes or adjustments necessary. The downside is that they are very visible, which may cause some people to become self-conscious about their smile while they are wearing the braces.
Invisalign braces use a different method to move the teeth. With this form of correction, the patient wears a clear plastic form over the teeth that is much less detectable than traditional braces because it is transparent. This is a more costly form of dental problem correction and carries with it the responsibility to keep track of the appliance(s) if they should be removed for any reason, such as when eating, to brush the teeth, or at other times.
Lingual braces are also known as “hidden braces” as they are applied on the inside of the teeth and are therefore less visible when talking, smiling, or eating. The upside is that this form of braces causes less self-consciousness in some people because it is less detectable. The downside is that adjustments are more difficult for the orthodontist, and these braces can cause the tongue to become irritated during the initial adjustment period, or after adjustments are made.
Stop Searching for Kids Braces Near You, and Contact Us Today!
If you’re interested in braces of any type this summer, ask your orthodontist which type of braces are right for you. If you don’t currently have an orthodontist and are searching for an experienced, caring team to help you perfect your smile, give our Fort Collins office a call at (970) 344-4295 and make an appointment with us today. The team at Taft Hill Orthodontics in would love to make you smile! To save time and money, you can also fill out our free online consultation form, and a team will get back with you on recommendations and next steps.