Anchorage Definition

Anchorage is a strategy for resisting and overcoming a force's response. In orthodontics, anchorage refers to a strategy or approach that is used to prevent tooth movement. Anchorage is a crucial topic in orthodontics since malocclusions are usually corrected with it. What is the Importance of Anchorage in Orthodontics? In orthodontic therapy, like braces, anchorage

By |2023-07-21T04:48:09+00:00July 16th, 2022|Glossary of Terms|Comments Off on Anchorage Definition

What is meant by Oral Cavity?

  A person's cheeks, lips, gums, tongue, and the space behind it are all considered to be part of their oral cavity. Additionally, any gap that exists between a person's wisdom teeth and the roof of their mouth is also considered to be part of the oral cavity. Teeth and the tongue get saliva from

By |2023-07-21T04:48:57+00:00July 14th, 2022|Glossary of Terms|Comments Off on What is meant by Oral Cavity?

What is a Dental Adjunctive Procedure?

There are a variety of dental adjunctive procedures that may be used to ensure that a dental operation goes as planned. Another term for it is an auxiliary, extra, additional, or subsidiary dental operation. Who needs an Adjunctive dental procedure? In rare circumstances, additional surgery may be necessary to ensure that the implant is surrounded

By |2023-07-21T04:50:18+00:00July 9th, 2022|Glossary of Terms|Comments Off on What is a Dental Adjunctive Procedure?

What is the Definition of Amalgam?

  Tooth deterioration sometimes necessitates the use of amalgam and silver fillings to repair gaps and holes in teeth. The amalgam may include liquid mercury, powdered alloy, and even silver, tin, and copper.. Dental amalgam is often used to repair decaying teeth due to its versatility in shaping. Is Amalgam Safe in Dentistry? Dental amalgam

By |2023-07-21T04:51:26+00:00July 7th, 2022|Glossary of Terms|Comments Off on What is the Definition of Amalgam?

Bicuspid Tooth Definition

  Permanent bicuspid teeth occupy the space between the cuspids (canine teeth) and molars in the mouth. Due to their location in the mouth before to the eruption of the molars, the phrase "premolar teeth" is often used to refer to bicuspid teeth. A bicuspid tooth is one that has two cusps, or projecting points,

By |2023-07-21T04:52:16+00:00July 1st, 2022|Glossary of Terms|Comments Off on Bicuspid Tooth Definition
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